costa rica
the amount of stories i have from just 2 weeks in costa is hilarious. i recently came across the journal i had with me at the time.
still can’t help but laugh out loud when i think about this adventure, so here’s a few low quality photos to document :)
upon arrival, the original travel plan was tossed, when my dad noticed a random swell heading towards pavones, one of the longest lefts in the world.
so what did we do? we jumped into our little rental car & drove 9 hours to the other side of the country, to find some waves :)
since it was off-season, we scored an empty lineup for two days & surfed the swell till it ended. so fun. my brother was in the water for 9 hrs straight the first day & his face paid the price. don’t think i’ve ever seen such a bad sunburn.
k that’s all, just wanted to document a few photos :)